Chuan Shun Acrylic Products Co., Ltd.

Chuan Shun Acrylic Products Co., Ltd.

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  • Standards Experts on the glass: glass bottle Security Problems
    Number of view:8781   Release time:2011-05-05 19:08:59
        Recently, it has been receiving about the glass bottles containing hazardous materials, how to test and other problems, for a variety of questions, as in the glass container inspection and standards of the department to make some humble opinion, for discussion.

        First, the background issues

        July 31, 2010, New York Governor DavidPaterson signed into law, prohibit the sale of containing bisphenol A (BPA) in baby bottles, cups, and all children's products. The law on December 1, 2010 to take effect.

        EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) in September 2010 released a bisphenol A new requirement. Per person per day provided the intake of bisphenol A must be less than 0.05mg/kg.

        Provisions of EU Directive 2011/8/EU June 1 this year onwards, containing bisphenol A (BPA) in baby bottles material may not sell or enter the EU in the EU market.

        The number of foreign organizations from different angles of bisphenol A (BPA) to limit, our country is limited?

        Supervision Bureau of China Ministry of Health issued "on the public for food packaging materials to be approved additives and resin opinion letter" provisions, in accordance with the "clean-up on food packaging materials to carry out the work of the notice" requirement, the first batch of 196 kinds of food packaging to be approved materials, additives, food packaging materials 116 resin. Among them, bisphenol A for the maximum residue was 0.6mg/kg, while notes indicate: not available for contact with infant food.

        Bisphenol A Why limit it?

        BPA Bisphenol A short propane (BPA), is an important raw material of polycarbonate PC, and many everyday consumer goods such as food containers, baby bottles and other children's products may contain bisphenol A. Bisphenol A in the precipitate when heated to food and drink which, it may disrupt the human metabolism of infant development, immunity, impact, and even cancer.

        What materials do contain bisphenol A? Defined by its visible material containing such substances is PC and other materials.

        Second, issues related to interpretation of the glass bottle

        After the baptism of the glass flames, water cut and polish the glass from the moment of birth, to have a crystal clear mellow. As raw materials of glass from natural minerals in nature, so that one began to avoid the chemical synthesis, extraction and other complex chemical reactions. Thoroughly clean, elegant, is the charm of glass. And plastic bottles compared to the heavy double thick sense of trust in people; and Frosted glass unique visual effects, it is far from plastic bottles can not be compared.

        Glass is cooled from the melt and resulting amorphous solid hardened, it is incomparable with other materials, fine chemical stability, it is a special substance. Is different from the liquid also different from the solid. Because of this characteristic, so that the glass has a number of other substances do not have the performance. It has good transparency, but also has good corrosion and heat resistance and electrical and optical properties compared to other materials such as glass with high corrosion resistance, It will not be as long as the wood the will rot, it will not as long time as the metal will rust, with a high chemical stability, it is precisely because these properties of glass, glass containers Glass packaging containers do not contain bisphenol mentioned before A reaction such as organic substances. Glass as a green material widely used in chemical reagent industry, pharmaceutical industry, food and beverage and wine industries.

        Any of the products must be based on appropriate standards, the glass bottle is for babies to use a specific glass containers, first of all to meet the security requirements. According to the current standard system of glass containers, glass bottles to meet the safety GB19778-2005 "Packaging glass containers of lead, cadmium, arsenic, antimony dissolution allows limited", GB17762-1999 "heat-resistant glassware safety and health requirements," the two items of national mandatory standards, these standards focus from the perspective of health and safety glass bottle on the inner surface of the precipitation amount of hazardous substances to be a strict limit. International standards (ISO standards) of glass containers is not yet lead, cadmium, arsenic, antimony release from the limit. Individual countries have been aware of this problem in the United States, Japan, the dissolution of arsenic Pharmacopoeia volume control is very strict. In the limit of arsenic in the United States Pharmacopoeia is 0.1ppm. Japan JIS standard glass raised the limit on arsenic is 0.1ppm. BSI standards in the UK, the standards of other advanced countries, none related to this issue. , The reality of the production from the glass to protect people's health as a fundamental purpose of comprehensive on the glass surface was mandatory supervision, because it is a mandatory standard, either the production, use and other aspects of these two criteria must be met requirements. Only the content, the two standards in China a leading position.

        Are issues, such as the use of glass bottles during sterilization why the phenomenon of fragmentation, how to avoid?

        Glass is composed of a variety of inorganic oxides, different formulations composed of glass to show the physical and chemical properties are different. The problem is reflected in the performance of glass heat-resistant CML different properties of the glass heat-resistant CML formula factors are unfavorable, the glass according to different formulas, divided into soda-lime glass and borosilicate glass. Before the production of glass bottles in China is basically a soda-lime glass, the appearance of rough, the wall, bottom heavy, because there are not completely eliminate the internal stress, thermal properties of unstable rapid change, there may be broken. In recent years, with the glass industry in production technology advances, there have been borosilicate glass bottle production, so that the appearance of the glass bottle, size, accuracy, physical and chemical properties have a very major change, especially in safety performance greatly improved. It is therefore recommended manufacturers and users, where possible, choose borosilicate glass bottle.

        Glass is crystal clear green and environmentally friendly materials, glass like the Buddha relics from the birth to the moment to have a "real" soft. I believe you will like the glass materials, like glass bottles brought to the cute kids safe and happy.

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