Chuan Shun Acrylic Products Co., Ltd.

Chuan Shun Acrylic Products Co., Ltd.

  • 中文版 | English
  • Recruitment
  • PhilosophyJobs
  • Company employment philosophy is:

     Selection criteria: to Germany for the weight, ability and political integrity
     Employing principles: Appreciating use, had just been applied; personnel director, tolerate the short; capable, the levels were so, Yongzhe.
     Staff appraisal criteria: "morality, ability, performance"- performance of priority, taking into account the attitude and ability.
     Staff quality basic requirements: integrity, self-improvement, learning, make progress
     Employees to pursue: a strong body and mind, will sharpen and stimulate the potential to establish the correct value system, thinking and behavioral patterns, creating a brilliant career
     Life and healthy life
     Ways of doing things: full control, stage of the assessment results and process both.
     Style of doing things: what you preach, and action must be, the fruit will be excellent; not prevaricating, no procrastination, not speculation
     Management concept: the right people, to the appropriate location, at the right time, with appropriate method, do the right things, things to do
     Bit - for the success of employees and enterprises to establish a mechanism for automatically
     HR view: talent is the rise and fall of the country, business is talent voyage of the boat, help each side of the other side; pay and conditions, leaving the cause of

     People, sentiments, atmosphere keep people

    Chuan Shun Acrylic Products Co., Ltd. All rights reserved Tel :0769 -81611001 Fax :0769 -81,811,035
    Website: Address: Humen Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, a large plate to start Daning Road 3